Sunday, October 30, 2005

This weekend i have been mostly doing....

Inplants! It was quite fun, didn't take very long this time, a bit of chopping, bit of drilling, bit of sewing. Sounds like a normal weekend at home(English home). There was one bit where the gum just fell away from the bone and it was all white and it made me feel a bit sick. Actually its making me feel wobbly now so lets talk about something else.
Met a nice man on the plane home. He told me all about his internet company selling domain names. Appatently there are lots of people buying bird flu things.
Ive been really tired this week so i have just worked and then come home and watched tv and gone to bed. I was supposed to play darts on friday but i got out of it luckly. Im not quite prepared to make such a big fool of myself yet!
Yesterday i bought a duvet(yes it is getting cold here!) and a new fryingpan. What more could a girl ask for?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

You remind me of the babe...

Suprisingly, because i had alot of time off, this week has been pretty boring. The doctor has only been in in the morning so the afternoons i have been working, ive been all on my lonesome. That has its advantages though, like playing music really loudly. I took in my Labyrinth soundtrack and was boping around the surgery pretending to be David Bowie in a pair of very tight tights!

Michael has pusuaded me to be on the darts team so i have been practising. I nearly beat him twice the otherday, but he started looking angry so i let him win, of course.

Last night we went for chinese (again,I think im going off it) Because Michaels sister and boyfriend are here. Then we went to milies because they were having a vodka party and i helped make the vodka jelly.

I pointed out this morning that Chinese and indian restaurants are a scam because you pay for a dish, like sweet and sour, or madrass, then you have to pay extra for the rice. Thats like ordering roast beef, then paying extra for the potatoes. Im not really bothered by this, it just dawned on me suddenly this morning.

Today we went to Gibratlar. Its still rubbish. I tryed some purfume on, ate a bacon double cheese burger from Burger King and bought peanut butter and grease proof paper from safeway.

Its been raining lots and lots this week and its getting really cold in the evening.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

This week I have been mostly eating...

Chinese food, suprisingly. This is suprising because I don't like it. Except now I like some of it because there is a really good restaurant down the road and they make nice noodles with prawns and chicked and stuff in.

Im afraid this week hasn't been very eventful. Work has been a bit boring and I don't have anything to read. After finishing Harry Potter last week I don't seem to be able to get into anything. I did watch The Very Long Engagement yesterday. I really enjoyed it. Its very different to his other Films (Jean Pierre Jeunet, made Amilie) but there are little bits in there that are recognizably Jeunets style. Its quite sad, and very serious. Its about a young lady who is convinced her fiancee is still alive after the 1st world war and does some investigating to find out what really happened. My house mate was going to watch it but didn't think she could handle the subtitles (!?) Although I have got her watching Band of Brothers, only she seems to be laughing through it, especially the bits where people get shot!?

Ohh took my first cake to the pub last week and apparently I passed the test with flying colours and have got the job, but they won't be starting it till next year which is good because I can get some practice, so start emailing be those yummy cake recipe's peeps!

Anyways Michael is cooking roast dinner tonight and I might get a video out. Next week should be more interesting because I have some time off work and I might go to the feria in Fuengirola.

See ya all soon peeps x

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Oral surgery, Russian men and a very unfortunate death.

This weekend I am in mourning.
Those of you who have read the new Harry Potter book will know why. For the rest of you plebs, I will explain. A very important character dies (woe is me) one of my favorite. I almost had to take time off work I was in such a state.

It was so good to spent a week away in Harry Potter world. I kind of feel lost now. There were bits about the new book I didn't like, but having enjoyed reading it so much I can't really complain. Not yet anyway. Come on guys, go and read them, I promise you will enjoy them!

Anyways Dr Isis had something to take my mind off this untimely death. The gum behind my last tooth has been a little sore for a few days, so I mentioned it to her and she said she would have a look. Then I heard the word anesthesia, and some other Spanish dentistry mumbo jumbo which I could unfortunately understand. Before I knew it they were performing Minor Oral Surgery!!!
I had a injection(which really bloody hurt) and then she got a pair of scissors and chopped a bit of my gum off (ginivectomy)!!! It was pretty cool, I could picture everything she was doing because we have done it to other people. When she was asking Holly to hold things I kept going to grab the mirrors and aspirate, until I remembered I was the patient, not nurse! (I think I prefer nurse)

Me and holly had a good game of Doctor and patient on Thursday. I sat in the chair while there was no patients and she poked about in my mouth and told me how many fillings I need. Then she moved the chair up and down loads of times in to all the different positions. It was Fun!

We put artificial bone in for this woman the other day. I got to hold lots of flappy gum as stuff.

So, the Russian Man. We were in the pub last night and I met the legendary Boris( a 19 year old Russian who can drink copious amounts of Vodka) He is cool, he likes loads of cool classical music and drinks John Smiths and stuff.

that's all folks xx