Saturday, October 15, 2005

You remind me of the babe...

Suprisingly, because i had alot of time off, this week has been pretty boring. The doctor has only been in in the morning so the afternoons i have been working, ive been all on my lonesome. That has its advantages though, like playing music really loudly. I took in my Labyrinth soundtrack and was boping around the surgery pretending to be David Bowie in a pair of very tight tights!

Michael has pusuaded me to be on the darts team so i have been practising. I nearly beat him twice the otherday, but he started looking angry so i let him win, of course.

Last night we went for chinese (again,I think im going off it) Because Michaels sister and boyfriend are here. Then we went to milies because they were having a vodka party and i helped make the vodka jelly.

I pointed out this morning that Chinese and indian restaurants are a scam because you pay for a dish, like sweet and sour, or madrass, then you have to pay extra for the rice. Thats like ordering roast beef, then paying extra for the potatoes. Im not really bothered by this, it just dawned on me suddenly this morning.

Today we went to Gibratlar. Its still rubbish. I tryed some purfume on, ate a bacon double cheese burger from Burger King and bought peanut butter and grease proof paper from safeway.

Its been raining lots and lots this week and its getting really cold in the evening.

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