Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Royal Visit!

This weekend I had a royal visit, (hence no blog, sorry peeps). Her majesty and her majesty's mother came to stay.
It was a cool weekend, we pottered about looking at rich peoples boats in Benelmadena, and ate lunch in Malaga, despite the waitress getting the order completely wrong( and don't blame my Spanish, she was just thick, bloody foreigners). We also bought a big tray of Spanish cakes and ate them all! Yum!
Thanks for coming over Mum and Nanny!

I guess I should fill you in on last week first.
I won my first game of darts, got a complaint because ' I have a bad attitude' and 'lost my temper' with a patient, Spend an evening sobbing all the way through watching 'The Downfall' and spent a whole day at work reading my book till I finished it.
Im now reading The War of Don Emanuels Nether Parts, just to shut dad up (no, I won't admit im quite enjoying it). But don't tell Will because he has been nagging me to read his epic scifi book for ages. Its on the list buba!

That was about it for last week. This week I am going to spend every day at work writing out fifty million Christmas cards for all the patients whilst getting more and more exited about going to see the new Harry Potter film on Saturday.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Big Waves

Firstly an apology for the lateness of my blog entry. Sorry!

last week was pretty much like any other, full of rotting teeth. (not mine!), followed closely but Implants on Saturday morning. Its was a bit yuckie because she had loads if infection, so loads of blood, which at one point became a little overwhelming and I was thinking, what do I do with it all?!
Anyway we pulled five of her teeth out, bunged six implants in and stitched it all back up again, only to find out today that the silly woman went shopping for 12 hours afterwards. This is after we told her about a million times not to do any execise or get any sun and stuff after the surgery. She was a very strange woman. IM not having to much luck with patients recently. I had some silly pretentious idiot who couldn't understand why the price of living in Spain was so high when she would only buy imported English food, and some know it all old taffer who thinks IM thick because IM only a nurse, "I've had teeth for a long time darling". His superior knowledge of dentistry is obviously proved in the fact that his teeth are falling out and mine are not! Raaa!

Anyways Friday night was darts night, I lost my game but I played ok I think. All darts matches have to be held in little 'local' pubs, where there is so much smoke you cant see the dart board, and you have to walk past everyone while they murmur "local pub for local people' .Strangely they all have turned up noses.

So after work on Saturday I went home and slept and ate pringles in bed and watched a program about the new Harry potter film (wik wik wik). Me and Michael were going to go out and eat, then go for a drink, but we ended up getting take away pizza, drinking orange juice and going to be at 11 o'clock to watch some shitty film with Eddie Murphy. (am I admitting this?). We know what makes a dangerous night!

Anyway Sunday is much more interesting. I moaned because I wanted to go somewhere, so we tried the cinema but there were no English films on, so we went to fuengirola to watch the waves. They were huge! The weather was wired man, it was all misty but quite warm, and the sea was so rough. We stood on this big sea wall and the waves were crashing right over it.
We went home to get cameras and drove down to Cabopino, where we sat on the sand dunes watching surfers till the sun went down.
Then it was beer time so we watched Michaels work friend and his band play and I drank beer and ended up having crazy dreams about fridges full of bottles of water.
It was a good Sunday.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


This week i broke a personal record of staying at work late. On Monday i got home from work at 11 oclock. Which was nice.
I did get half of tuesday off though, in which i made treacle sponge for a guy down the pub. He couldn't wait to get home to eat it so he went next door to the shop and got some custard and ate it there. Apparently i got an 8 out of 10 and a 9 out of 10. Every time he is drunk he goes around telling everyone i am an amazing cake maker blah blah yada yada... When i start making cakes for the bar everyone will be expecting pineapple and pasion fruit roulade, and all their going to get is a sponge cake!
I fnished the lovely bones this week, it was good, but a bit weird. can't remember if i told you but it was about a girl who got murdered, but its written from her perspective in heaven. It isn't religious atall. Its worth reading and definatly more deserving of being called a best seller than White Teeth was.
Anyway the other thing i wanted to tell you about was these really nice things they give you at the chinese restaurante. They are wall nuts covered in caramel type stuff with sesame seeds on. They are Lush.
And i bought a new blue tv yesterday to put in my room with my dvd player, so i can spent all night watching The Two Towers in bed coz its on tv tonight.
I rule!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Drills, darts and tarts.

Bad strart to the week. On Monday night i dropped a very expencive an crucial piece of equipment (the drill) I Hoped no one saw, and put i back in the drawer, went home, opened a bottle of vodka and drowned my worries of being sacked. I rang mum and dad for some consolation, but they laughed when i told them it bounced!
So after a morning of praying and promising never to swear, drink or lie again, i Went to work expecting a good telling off and a termination of contract. (drill handpieces cost over a thousand euros to buy and a good couple of hundred to repair, and its the third time i have broken it!). But it didn't come, and it didn't come on wednessday iether. So all that worrying went to waste! I did appologise and the doctor mumbled something about it being very expencive and that she saw me drop it, but that was it. Only now everytime i drop something, which is alot of times, she gives me a , Cyd, remembr the handpiece, look.
Apart from that work has been pretty borring. its really slowing down now its getting into winter (people obviouusly don't like to visite the dentist in winter. I never really imagined a dentist would get busy and quite periods like shops) On thursday we had 1 patient!

Last Night was darts night. We went to this tiny 'local' bar where they ask you if you want a class with yourr drink and pour mesures of alcahol into a sherry glass before pouring it into your glass. At one point i was holding a glass of ice with my lemonade nowhere to be seen.
Anyway, back to the darts. We won, of course (por supuesto) but i lost my game. I was very very nervous, but i was very nearly winning, and the guy from the other team who was scoring said, 'good darts', and 'your really good' (on hind sight he could have been taking the pee pee) So i wasn't too bothered that i lost, as long as i wasn't totaly rubbish.
Then i got talked into making treacle sponge and manchester tart for some blokies down the bar. Unfortionally the night ended on a bit of a downer when some idiot holiday maker poured a pint over Michael. Then i thought it was time to go home!

Today i might be going to look around one of the dental laboratories, which will be nice.