Sunday, April 30, 2006

Inca Cola

Yesterday we went to the zoo in Fuengirola. We saw crocodiles, flamingos, birds, turtles, chimps, tigers, fish, dears, cockroaches, snakes, meerkats, porcupines, hogs, hippos, gorillas, leopards, orangutans and a tapir.
It was fun.

Last night we went to the feria internacional de los pueblos. It’s a festival with loads of different bars from around the world. There is music and food and clothes. We went in the Irish one first to meet some friends, then on to the Peruvian one where I had an Inca Cola (yum!) and in the Vietnamese bar where we ate sticky rice, spring roll things and cat kebabs (god knows what meat was on the kebabs but I think I should have given it a miss!). The Indian bar had lots of smoke wafting out of the door, the Bolivian bar smelt really badly and the German one was playing awful music. I wanted to go in the Polish bar but Michael said the women were too ugly. They didn’t have an English bar. I wonder why?

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