Sunday, April 09, 2006

On friday i went and got myself a needlestick injury. I was trying to put the lid back on a used irigating syringe but the needle was bent so it wasn't really working. So i pushed a little bit harder and it went straight through the plastic lid and into my thumb. it bloody hurt becuase it was a proper injection needle for your arm, not a thin one for your mouth.
It wasn't used to give an injection but for washing out a root canal so im hoping i have less chance of catching anything, but we'll see. Im probrably going to go to the doctor and get a blood test and then my Hepititis B jab.
So i spent all of friday worrying about that, then we got beat at darts. Sat i cleaned up a bit, took some dounuts to Holly because she was working, so i thought it would cheer her up, and wached half of a film before Micheal came home and whisked me off to some bbq.
The peoples house where the bbq was was crazy. it was an old spanish villa but some of the decor was a bit dodgy. So we ate and chatted and stuff, then one of the girls got this big bong out, called a shisha pipe. It comes from the middle east and they have cafes where everyone sits around and smokes it. After comfirming that there were not dodgy substances in it, i had a go. It was nothing like smoking a cigarette. The tobacco (which apparently has no nicotine or tar?!) is mixed with fruit and its not directly burnt and the smoke goes through water first so when you get it its all nice and light and fruity. And it looks cool! I have put a picture up so you can see but im sure you have all seen one before.

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