Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Soy Tonta!

I did the stupidest thing today. I went to get petrol for my bike after work, pulled up, opened my bike, picked up the petrol thingie and the realised that i hadn't unscrewed the cap off the petrol hole. So i threw my keys in in the bike, filled up and as i turned round the seat slammed shut and i realised my keys were inside. Gay!
Anyways this bloke was waiting to get in my space so i thought i should move the bike while i figured out what to do, exept the lock was on so it would have only gone round in circles!
After getting no reply from Michael i phoned Holly who said her and her Dad would come help but they had just ordered tapas so would be about 10 mins. God i was so embaressed just standing there.
Eventually i plucked up the courage to ask the petrol station guys for help (Tengo una problema, me llave es adentro me moto y no es posible abre o movil. Ayuda por favor!) I think they understood becuase they came out with a big screwdriver and said the only way to open it was to bash it!
After a bit op prizing and wiggling they managed to open it with no damage.
Wohoo, im off to get a spare key made!

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