Sunday, April 02, 2006


I know i should be doing my homework. I just spent ages looking up words like Cyantosis and Paraesthesia in wikapedia. I thought they would be really complicated but it turns out they are the technical terms for going a bit blue and having pins and needles.
Now i can't find my dental textbook so im using it as an exuse for mucking about on the net.
I got my homework back for the first module last week. I got the second hightest mark for both essays. ' a very good performance of merit standard'. I told Isis i am going to sent an apple with my next essay and hope for top marks. yes we did have to explain the whole teacher/apple thing.

Apart from working i have mostly been reading Harry Potter. I finished it this afteroon. It isnt the best one but i had fun reading it. I even considered taking it in the surgery so i could read a bit when the doctor was fannying about.
I had to have impressions of my mouth taken last week so i can get a splint made. Its like a mouth guard and you wear it at night to stop grinding your teeth. I was really scared of having impressions incase i gagged loads but it was ok. At least i know whats its like for the patient now. Im going to keep the models of my gob and put them on the mantle piece!

So, apart from that its just sweat, sunburn and bbqs. I think summer is a coming!

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