Saturday, December 24, 2005

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!

Wow, Its been a while. Micheals computer totally spudded up and he had to ring some number and give them a ridiculously long code before we could do anything with it.
Last weekend was cool, Lorna came over and we shopped and drank and ate icecream in the cold and dark whilst wakling down the pier at banus. It was cool.
This week has mainly been spent waiting for christmas. I finally got Michael his presents and made biscuity things for the people at work( they said they looked like i bought them, brownie points for me! Brownie, gettit?). I even managed to send christmas cards! I got away lucky this year too because Michael has pretty much organised everything, and paid for it. I have put myself in charge of making the stuffing and the mince pies, which is pretty easy because im the only one who eats mince pies so i only have to make six. Ive never made pastry before though, its sitting in the fridge cooling down and waiting to be rolled with my new rolling pin.
I managed to find a new top to wear out on new years eve so im attempting to slim into it by then. Thats hard when my house mate just bought us a box of fera jaques (ferrero rocher for anyone who isnt familiar with Paddick speek). And they are all for me becuse M doesnt like them. And He has promised me champagne for breakfast!
Anyways i plan to go to the beach on christmas day just becuase you lot can't (yeah it is windy and raining but so) i might leave my bikini at home though.

Well have a super christmas everyone, drink lots and be merry!
Lots of love cyd x

Sunday, December 11, 2005

You will meet a tall hansome stranger...

Despite really not looking forward to it, me and Michael went out for my works Christmas do. I thought everyone was going to be chatting away in Spanish and id just be sitting there asking for translations all night but fortionaly Walfridos two sons didn't come so I was also spared an evening of watching all the other women flirting with them.
Anyway we went to this Greek restaurant in fuengirola, in fish alley. They ordered a big mixed thingy for 8 people so we got loads of homous and yummy salad and mankey cold baked beans and weird fish egg things and stuff wrapped in spinach and yum big slabs of feta and pita bread. That was starters! Then we got loads of meat balls and kebabs and moussaka and rice and weird slug vegetables. Walfrido ordered this big leg of lamb, it tasted nice but was mega chewey, then he ordered a whole one for himself!. They kept plonking stuff on my plate and making us eat it all. Then we drank some horrible coffee and got our coffee grains read. I was very skeptical but the guy said some pretty interesting stuff.
He told me I was a teacher and people learnt stuff from me, that I had my feet firmly on the ground but was very insecure but for no reason. That I am on a different wavelength to my partner , and only one man has the key to my heart, that next year will be hard work but I will know where I am heading.
Vamos a ver!(get you Spanish dictionaries out!)

Anyways I worked till nearly ten on Friday. Then went to play darts. I lost my game, yet again, but Michael says I keep getting better. The club down the road re opened so we went down there afterwards and drank lots and danced about and stuff, which obviously led to a late morning on Saturday. I swam 30 lengths, does that make up for it?

Today we drove for an hour to go to the supermarket. We went to Gibraltar. Everytime I go there a can't believe how skanky it is. Anyway we went to safeway and bought Christmas things and nice bread and things that are expensive in Spain. In Spain they eat big legs of cured ham at Christmas.
Now we are going to eat pork and apples and vegetables and potatoes.

I think next week will be full of buying presents and maybe making a few mince pies. Then Lorna is coming to stay so I shall have to think of something to do with her. Hope your not all to depressed about Christmas yet.

Toodle pip peeps x

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Harry Potter V Batman

Iam faced with a problem because I was going to tell you all about the new Harry Potter film I saw today, but I have just finished watching the new Batman film and I want to get exited about that too, so im going to bore you with both.
Are you sitting comfortably....

Harry Potter was wik wik wik wik wik!
It was all dark and exiting and there were dragons in it and it was all dangerous because someone got killed and I nearly cried and Voldermort comes back as a man and tries to kill Harry and Harry sees his dead parents because he is wik and there was magic and blowings up and swimming under water and moving trees and lots of lights and I had to pee in the middles of it so I missed a bit and Harry had lots of nasty nightmares and watched people on trial for being deatheaters and someone cut his own hand off.......breath......

Batman was wik wik wik wik wik!
There was lots of fighting and blowings up and nasty men with hallucinogenic drugs and they set fire to his house and he had a wik batmobile and flew around wearing a cool batman outfit and it was all dark and dingey with lots of rooftops looking over a dying cityshots and I needed to pee in the middle again but we put it on pause so I didn't miss anything and the badie was some crazy ninja blokie and some homeless guy killed batmans mum and dad and that's why he is batman and he flew about lots and there was a man in a scarecrow mask with wiggly worms in his eyes and stuff and........breath......

Wik wik wik!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Royal Visit!

This weekend I had a royal visit, (hence no blog, sorry peeps). Her majesty and her majesty's mother came to stay.
It was a cool weekend, we pottered about looking at rich peoples boats in Benelmadena, and ate lunch in Malaga, despite the waitress getting the order completely wrong( and don't blame my Spanish, she was just thick, bloody foreigners). We also bought a big tray of Spanish cakes and ate them all! Yum!
Thanks for coming over Mum and Nanny!

I guess I should fill you in on last week first.
I won my first game of darts, got a complaint because ' I have a bad attitude' and 'lost my temper' with a patient, Spend an evening sobbing all the way through watching 'The Downfall' and spent a whole day at work reading my book till I finished it.
Im now reading The War of Don Emanuels Nether Parts, just to shut dad up (no, I won't admit im quite enjoying it). But don't tell Will because he has been nagging me to read his epic scifi book for ages. Its on the list buba!

That was about it for last week. This week I am going to spend every day at work writing out fifty million Christmas cards for all the patients whilst getting more and more exited about going to see the new Harry Potter film on Saturday.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Big Waves

Firstly an apology for the lateness of my blog entry. Sorry!

last week was pretty much like any other, full of rotting teeth. (not mine!), followed closely but Implants on Saturday morning. Its was a bit yuckie because she had loads if infection, so loads of blood, which at one point became a little overwhelming and I was thinking, what do I do with it all?!
Anyway we pulled five of her teeth out, bunged six implants in and stitched it all back up again, only to find out today that the silly woman went shopping for 12 hours afterwards. This is after we told her about a million times not to do any execise or get any sun and stuff after the surgery. She was a very strange woman. IM not having to much luck with patients recently. I had some silly pretentious idiot who couldn't understand why the price of living in Spain was so high when she would only buy imported English food, and some know it all old taffer who thinks IM thick because IM only a nurse, "I've had teeth for a long time darling". His superior knowledge of dentistry is obviously proved in the fact that his teeth are falling out and mine are not! Raaa!

Anyways Friday night was darts night, I lost my game but I played ok I think. All darts matches have to be held in little 'local' pubs, where there is so much smoke you cant see the dart board, and you have to walk past everyone while they murmur "local pub for local people' .Strangely they all have turned up noses.

So after work on Saturday I went home and slept and ate pringles in bed and watched a program about the new Harry potter film (wik wik wik). Me and Michael were going to go out and eat, then go for a drink, but we ended up getting take away pizza, drinking orange juice and going to be at 11 o'clock to watch some shitty film with Eddie Murphy. (am I admitting this?). We know what makes a dangerous night!

Anyway Sunday is much more interesting. I moaned because I wanted to go somewhere, so we tried the cinema but there were no English films on, so we went to fuengirola to watch the waves. They were huge! The weather was wired man, it was all misty but quite warm, and the sea was so rough. We stood on this big sea wall and the waves were crashing right over it.
We went home to get cameras and drove down to Cabopino, where we sat on the sand dunes watching surfers till the sun went down.
Then it was beer time so we watched Michaels work friend and his band play and I drank beer and ended up having crazy dreams about fridges full of bottles of water.
It was a good Sunday.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


This week i broke a personal record of staying at work late. On Monday i got home from work at 11 oclock. Which was nice.
I did get half of tuesday off though, in which i made treacle sponge for a guy down the pub. He couldn't wait to get home to eat it so he went next door to the shop and got some custard and ate it there. Apparently i got an 8 out of 10 and a 9 out of 10. Every time he is drunk he goes around telling everyone i am an amazing cake maker blah blah yada yada... When i start making cakes for the bar everyone will be expecting pineapple and pasion fruit roulade, and all their going to get is a sponge cake!
I fnished the lovely bones this week, it was good, but a bit weird. can't remember if i told you but it was about a girl who got murdered, but its written from her perspective in heaven. It isn't religious atall. Its worth reading and definatly more deserving of being called a best seller than White Teeth was.
Anyway the other thing i wanted to tell you about was these really nice things they give you at the chinese restaurante. They are wall nuts covered in caramel type stuff with sesame seeds on. They are Lush.
And i bought a new blue tv yesterday to put in my room with my dvd player, so i can spent all night watching The Two Towers in bed coz its on tv tonight.
I rule!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Drills, darts and tarts.

Bad strart to the week. On Monday night i dropped a very expencive an crucial piece of equipment (the drill) I Hoped no one saw, and put i back in the drawer, went home, opened a bottle of vodka and drowned my worries of being sacked. I rang mum and dad for some consolation, but they laughed when i told them it bounced!
So after a morning of praying and promising never to swear, drink or lie again, i Went to work expecting a good telling off and a termination of contract. (drill handpieces cost over a thousand euros to buy and a good couple of hundred to repair, and its the third time i have broken it!). But it didn't come, and it didn't come on wednessday iether. So all that worrying went to waste! I did appologise and the doctor mumbled something about it being very expencive and that she saw me drop it, but that was it. Only now everytime i drop something, which is alot of times, she gives me a , Cyd, remembr the handpiece, look.
Apart from that work has been pretty borring. its really slowing down now its getting into winter (people obviouusly don't like to visite the dentist in winter. I never really imagined a dentist would get busy and quite periods like shops) On thursday we had 1 patient!

Last Night was darts night. We went to this tiny 'local' bar where they ask you if you want a class with yourr drink and pour mesures of alcahol into a sherry glass before pouring it into your glass. At one point i was holding a glass of ice with my lemonade nowhere to be seen.
Anyway, back to the darts. We won, of course (por supuesto) but i lost my game. I was very very nervous, but i was very nearly winning, and the guy from the other team who was scoring said, 'good darts', and 'your really good' (on hind sight he could have been taking the pee pee) So i wasn't too bothered that i lost, as long as i wasn't totaly rubbish.
Then i got talked into making treacle sponge and manchester tart for some blokies down the bar. Unfortionally the night ended on a bit of a downer when some idiot holiday maker poured a pint over Michael. Then i thought it was time to go home!

Today i might be going to look around one of the dental laboratories, which will be nice.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

This weekend i have been mostly doing....

Inplants! It was quite fun, didn't take very long this time, a bit of chopping, bit of drilling, bit of sewing. Sounds like a normal weekend at home(English home). There was one bit where the gum just fell away from the bone and it was all white and it made me feel a bit sick. Actually its making me feel wobbly now so lets talk about something else.
Met a nice man on the plane home. He told me all about his internet company selling domain names. Appatently there are lots of people buying bird flu things.
Ive been really tired this week so i have just worked and then come home and watched tv and gone to bed. I was supposed to play darts on friday but i got out of it luckly. Im not quite prepared to make such a big fool of myself yet!
Yesterday i bought a duvet(yes it is getting cold here!) and a new fryingpan. What more could a girl ask for?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

You remind me of the babe...

Suprisingly, because i had alot of time off, this week has been pretty boring. The doctor has only been in in the morning so the afternoons i have been working, ive been all on my lonesome. That has its advantages though, like playing music really loudly. I took in my Labyrinth soundtrack and was boping around the surgery pretending to be David Bowie in a pair of very tight tights!

Michael has pusuaded me to be on the darts team so i have been practising. I nearly beat him twice the otherday, but he started looking angry so i let him win, of course.

Last night we went for chinese (again,I think im going off it) Because Michaels sister and boyfriend are here. Then we went to milies because they were having a vodka party and i helped make the vodka jelly.

I pointed out this morning that Chinese and indian restaurants are a scam because you pay for a dish, like sweet and sour, or madrass, then you have to pay extra for the rice. Thats like ordering roast beef, then paying extra for the potatoes. Im not really bothered by this, it just dawned on me suddenly this morning.

Today we went to Gibratlar. Its still rubbish. I tryed some purfume on, ate a bacon double cheese burger from Burger King and bought peanut butter and grease proof paper from safeway.

Its been raining lots and lots this week and its getting really cold in the evening.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

This week I have been mostly eating...

Chinese food, suprisingly. This is suprising because I don't like it. Except now I like some of it because there is a really good restaurant down the road and they make nice noodles with prawns and chicked and stuff in.

Im afraid this week hasn't been very eventful. Work has been a bit boring and I don't have anything to read. After finishing Harry Potter last week I don't seem to be able to get into anything. I did watch The Very Long Engagement yesterday. I really enjoyed it. Its very different to his other Films (Jean Pierre Jeunet, made Amilie) but there are little bits in there that are recognizably Jeunets style. Its quite sad, and very serious. Its about a young lady who is convinced her fiancee is still alive after the 1st world war and does some investigating to find out what really happened. My house mate was going to watch it but didn't think she could handle the subtitles (!?) Although I have got her watching Band of Brothers, only she seems to be laughing through it, especially the bits where people get shot!?

Ohh took my first cake to the pub last week and apparently I passed the test with flying colours and have got the job, but they won't be starting it till next year which is good because I can get some practice, so start emailing be those yummy cake recipe's peeps!

Anyways Michael is cooking roast dinner tonight and I might get a video out. Next week should be more interesting because I have some time off work and I might go to the feria in Fuengirola.

See ya all soon peeps x

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Oral surgery, Russian men and a very unfortunate death.

This weekend I am in mourning.
Those of you who have read the new Harry Potter book will know why. For the rest of you plebs, I will explain. A very important character dies (woe is me) one of my favorite. I almost had to take time off work I was in such a state.

It was so good to spent a week away in Harry Potter world. I kind of feel lost now. There were bits about the new book I didn't like, but having enjoyed reading it so much I can't really complain. Not yet anyway. Come on guys, go and read them, I promise you will enjoy them!

Anyways Dr Isis had something to take my mind off this untimely death. The gum behind my last tooth has been a little sore for a few days, so I mentioned it to her and she said she would have a look. Then I heard the word anesthesia, and some other Spanish dentistry mumbo jumbo which I could unfortunately understand. Before I knew it they were performing Minor Oral Surgery!!!
I had a injection(which really bloody hurt) and then she got a pair of scissors and chopped a bit of my gum off (ginivectomy)!!! It was pretty cool, I could picture everything she was doing because we have done it to other people. When she was asking Holly to hold things I kept going to grab the mirrors and aspirate, until I remembered I was the patient, not nurse! (I think I prefer nurse)

Me and holly had a good game of Doctor and patient on Thursday. I sat in the chair while there was no patients and she poked about in my mouth and told me how many fillings I need. Then she moved the chair up and down loads of times in to all the different positions. It was Fun!

We put artificial bone in for this woman the other day. I got to hold lots of flappy gum as stuff.

So, the Russian Man. We were in the pub last night and I met the legendary Boris( a 19 year old Russian who can drink copious amounts of Vodka) He is cool, he likes loads of cool classical music and drinks John Smiths and stuff.

that's all folks xx

Saturday, September 24, 2005

scuba dubdubdub...

Finished White Teeth. I was totally unimpressed considering it won loads of awards and was supposed to be a fantastic book. It was an easy read and you sort of got comfortably involved in the characters and their lives but it seemed as if nothing much happened, athough if i think about it i guess a lot did. It was trying to deal with quite a lot of social issues, but the people didn't feel like ordinary people. I think she tried to do to much but didn;t think it out enough. Also she went on about stuff and im thinking, is all this really necessary?

Anyways so now thats out of the way its on to Harry Potter. I read over 100 pages whilst i was on reception on friday morning. Although i pretty sceptical about the later Harry Potter books, it was quite exiting to be reading the new one, although i have forgotten what happened in the last one so im a bit confused.

Lastnight i went out with Jennie and Darren (housemate and her boyfriend). We went to a pub quiz. We lost miserably (second last acctually) and that was after someone told us loads of the answers!
Then we just went and drank some. Then some more.

Today i had a hangover (suprise) but got myself up at 10, made bacon and beans on toast, read FHM (filthy blokie magazine) then had to practicaly run down the hill to the bus stop (were talking a 40 min walk for those who don't know where i live) then run to get the bus and leg it to the post office before it closed to pick up my new comic. I was very sweaty and hot by this time so i went and sat on a bench in the park and started reading. Then i ate a pan au chocolate an went to the beach (see picture) and read some more ( and got a bit burnt). It was really cool, listening to the sea and getting some sun and reading. I sort of wanted other poeple to be there with me but i was also sort of glad no one could get in touch with me and i was all on my own.
Then i ate a big chiken baguette and went back to Calahonda in time to miss the train to my house and loose my jumper.
So i sat in the pub, reading my new comic, whilst everone got histerical about the football.
I must have looked really strange considering i was still carrying my comic in a big Amazon cardboard box, and kept packing and unpacking it.

So there you have it, take away, Harry Potter, comics and the Xfactor tomoro!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Weddings and Working.

Wow, last weekend was cool, Edinburgh is such a cool place, it had cool shops and loads of cafes, like Fuengirola has dentists.
The flights were a bit mank, i really dont want to do 4 in a row again!
Ill post some of my photos on here when i get them developed.

The picture, if you were wondering, is a motorcycle helmet. Its a bit like m new one, but mines black and sleek. It has that lifty up thing at the front.

Well, all ive done since i got back is work. Holly was at the other clinic on friday so i had to assist all day and i was well tired, and then work with the orthodontist yesterday.

Having said that i did find time to watch a whole tv series yesterday, called Sugar Rush. It was quite good, about a teenage lesbian in a dysfunctional family. What? It was only 10 episodes!

So, im going to Rambo's BBQ tonight, Michael is off playing golf, so im going to entertain myself with Cydy things, like cutting pictures out of magazines, mesuring things, making cakes, moving things around my bedroom, making a mess....Arn't weekends great?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

And now for something completely different...

Wow, writing this blog makes me realize that I really don't do anything interesting enough to tell people about!

I had a karate lesson all one my own last week, it was cool, I got to learn how to do all the moves in detail, so it doesn't look so sloppy anymore.
We had to work with a new doctor on Thursday, she was weired. I think she only knows how to do extractions. She has a really different was of working to Isis. I have to stop myself from from looking at the patients with a "get out of she will pull all your teeth out " look. Maybe she is good, I can't really tell as IM not a doctor, but I have my reservations, we'll see.

I watched Vera Drake on Friday night, it was so sad it made me cry. They blatently shouldn't have put her in prison, innit!

I bought 3 new books from the bookshop too. I got The Binding Chair, White Teeth and Empire of the Sun. There was a big book on the Spanish Civil war that was looking at me but it was a little pricey. Maybe WHEN IM rich huh.

Yeah and last night was weired, I went to a weird bbq and then to some bars and when I came home Michael was snoring loads so I went and slept on the sofa. Stupidly I choose the small one and now IM all crumpled up!

Anyway, I shall be seeing some of you at the weekend and I can apologize for not doing anything particularly interesting in person.

See ya peeps.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I promised I would do something interesting!

I went to a Festival of Tapas!

It was in the castle in Fuengirola. Its pretty small and there were a lot of people there, but they had food and drink and music and a belly dancer!

unfortunately because of all the people it was pretty hard to get near to any of the Tapas stalls, and the Spanish people just shout and whoever is loudest gets served first. I would have joined in if I had an irritatingly high voice and could speak Spanish really fast. Then once they have got served they just stand at the bar eating so no one else can get a look in.
So we ended up waiting at each stall for about 20 mins until we got frustrated and moved on to the next queue.

I did manage to get some really tasty Thai food which was pretty spicy and some Moroccan sweets which are all nutty and really sweet, ummmm!

My house mate has two of her friends over at the moment and they were cooking a BIG FISH on the bbq when I got home so I ate some of that, and them I went to a little Spanish bar and ate omelet and flan(caramel custard).

Food Food Food.

Me and Holly were trying to pusuade Isis to buy us walkie talkies for the dentist so when one is on reception and one in the consultation room, we can say, Holly, "please bring me a huge needle and some surgical blades, oh and a big pair of pliers!"
We're not getting walkie talkies but they bought in this coms system thing but it didn't work when we plugged it in. I told one of the pacients about it but he didn't look impressed.
We might be getting a coffee machines though!

I might do cleaning on one of my friends again tomorrow, if I can force them into the chair. A little more practice and hopefully they will let me loose on the public!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Its been too long...

It acctually rained on friday, it was nice. I got all exited when a patient told me.

Nothing particularly exiting happened last week. I worked on saterday and did cleaning for my house mate, went out last night. Worked ate slept worked ate slept.

I did buy Sin City from a lookie lookie man for 5 euros. Its pretty good, like watching a comic really. Unfortionatly it was filmed from a cinema and had Spanish subtitles all the way through. The good thing is i understood some of them!

Anyways i will try my hardest to do something exiting this week to tell you about.

Toodle pip x

Monday, August 15, 2005

Today I had a day off!

Its a fiesta today so I had the day off. I got up early to sort some stuff out in La Cala, but of course everything was closed, than I went home and mucked about and went to sleep. I then went all the way to Fuengirola for Karate only to find it wasn't on. Pants. Then I just ate chips and chicken nuggets. Its was nice.

I have to admit I spent most of the weekend in front of the TV, watching House of Flying Daggers and then Hero straight after.

Oh well back to work tomorrow...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lets try again...

These pictures where supposed to go with the last entry but it didn't work, sorry.

Things I know about geisha...

The purpose of geisha is to entertain men (but not necessarily in the way your thinking, although they do sometimes) . They can't do things like serve food to their guest but they pour them drinks and chat and sing and dance and play the shamisen and accompany them around.
They mostly live in houses called Okiya, where there are maids, a mother(the owner) and sometimes Aunties, and geisha and maiko(trainee geisha). These people are not necessarily blood related.
There are also youner and older sisters. When a girl becomes a maiko she is appointed an older sister who is already a geisha, to teach her and introduce her to customers and the owners of tea houses. Teahouses are where geisha party's are held.
To become part of an okiya or to be appointed an older sister you must take part in a ceremony, usually involving tea or warm sake (umm).
Tea ceremony is very important to a geisha.
Most geisha try to have a patron, or danna, who is a man who has bid for the geisha and will then keep her in kimono and expensive gifts and a good quality of live. All geisha want a danna (preferably a nice one) because the cost of lessons in the geisha arts can be very high, and all geisha are in debt to the okiya for the investment it put into her as a maiko.
A man can also bid for a geisha's mizu-age (virginity). After this the geisha is not tied to her mizu-age patron in any way.
Original geisha had no say in who their danna or mizu-age patron was.
Geisha used to be the trend setters of Japan, but as times changed they found it hard because of their traditional look and style of art. They did try to become more modern but it wasn't very successful. They are now recognized as one of the most famous and traditional things about Japan.
Of course geisha of today are very different from the Edo period in 1600.
The Gei in geisha means Art.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sorry its been a while!

Yeah, sorry Dudes!
I spent the weekend recovering from a pretty bad hangover, although it should have been worse considering. Oh well, now more alcohol for me, for about two weeks!

They are changing the hours at work so I might finish earlier on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which will be nice!

Holly was ill today so I worked all day in the surgery. It was good.

I bought apple crumble and am going to eat it soon (with ice cream!)

The sunset was beautiful tonight.

IM going to use the spell check.

IM going to watch terminator 3 now

Toodle pip peeps xxx

Ps. The next post might just be more interesting than this one!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Did anyone watch the new Danny Wallace programe?

It was pretty funny, and he has his own live show afterwards. I went on to sign up as a citizen a while ago but there were technical difficulties. Anyway i read what some of the people had written on the message board and they were all a bunch of sad loosers which kind of put me off, but ill join up anyway. Wouldn't want to let Danny down!

Finished Memoirs of a Geisha, it was really really good. You all should read it. She did something horrible at the end and it made me want to stop reading it, so it wouldn't happen, but the i remembered it was only a book, and that it would proprably be ok in the end anyway.
I started reading geisha, by Liza Dalby. Its all about her resurch on Geisha and when she became one. She is the only non Japanese woman to become one.

Well thats it for now because Michael wants me to turn the computer off so he can watch a film.

See ya xxx

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday Already!?

I finished reading Lolita the other day.
It was good but to bee honest a bit of a struggle towards the end. Its one of those wierd books that makes you wonder why anyone would think of writing a book like that. Its really wordy and i admit i missed a few pages out here and there when i got a bit stuck, but he makes you feel alot of sympathy for the protagonist (woo) even though he is a peadophile. The wierd thing is that he really was in love with lolita, so much so that he killed for her (nice guy all round huh?) She was a bit wierd, not sure what he saw in her reallly.

Now im reading memoirs of a geisha, its pretty good, quite interesting. I will elaborate more when ive finished it.

Film wise me and michael spent the last couple of evenings whatching Kill Bill, and you know. I still think its cool, but idon't think Michael was too impressed. He gave it a 5 out of 10 and i think he prefered the second one and didn't like the animated bit in the first one!!!
Thinking about it i guess niether are really as good as resevoir dogs, but everyone expects Tarantino films to be amazing so the guy has a lot to live up to.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Today i wore a skirt! (A green one)

Did implants this morning, well i didn't, i just assisted.

First we had to pull 5 of the guys teeth out, cut his gum and expose the bone, and drill and screw the implants in, add artifial bone, and then sew him all back up again.

I hope you were all eating when you read that!

I acctually was quite enjoying myself, now i don't feel sick at the sight of bones and things anymore. I also didn't make any really bad mistakes, which was nice!

Anyways i spent the rest of the day cleaning because my house mate is home tomoro (it really was quite a mess, dirty pants and unwashed plates everywhere!) Unfortionatly the mopp have some wildlife in it so i had to scrub the floor with my hands and knees!

Best news of the day, i managed to fit into some old (slightly smaller) clothes again! Woohoo!

See ya xx

Friday, July 29, 2005

A bad start to the day, but so far not a bad end

Yeah, i over slept, probrably due to waking myself up in the night crying and shouting because i was dreaming about looking at Michael in a body bag, nice!

So i pretty much ran to work, which is not nice when its 35 degrees, but spent the day piddleing about in the new clinic in fuengirola. it was cool (coz i also got to go to a big garden centre, and it wasnt even my birthday!)

Now im eating noodles and whatching Kill Bill 2!

Have to do implants tomorow

see ya x

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Guess what i did today!?

Sorry i haven't written for a while. No excuses, but...

So, did have a fantastic morning, found out i have an exam in dental nursing in a week, in SPANISH!
I have 3 options:

1 Don't go to work on that day
2 Don't write anything on the exam paper
3 Pray (its a multiple Choice)

Ohh, a list, specialy for Iain!

Anyways, whats really annoying about this is they haven't even told us what we need to know for the test, and im going to look like i know absolutley nothing. Humph!

Now we get to the exiting but of the day......

I did cleaning! like a proper dentist!

I did do it on Holly, the other nurse, but i did it all the same. It was fun, and very hard. At first i had to try doing it right handed, because we only have a right handed chair (?!) but the i moved round and did it properly. I kept forgetting to lift my foot off the pedal when i took the ultrasonic scaler out of Hollys mouth and i got water everywhere. i made a right mess!
Isis said i did ok though, and they looked alot cleaner afterwards. Apparently the only things i did wrong were poking to much with the mirror, and saying sorry to muc.
So whos up next to experience my new hygine skills?, Don't be shy now.

I think there was other stuff to tell but am off to eat spanish omlet and whatch Kill Bill.

I rule

Ps. Sorry about the spelling, no time for the spell check, and HI DADDY xxx

Friday, July 22, 2005

Thursday, July 21, 2005

One more day of the week left.

Its hot here. I know this shouldn't be a surprise to me, but everyday I wake up, open the door, and think, God its hot here. Roll on winter that's what I say.

So, after drinking a little too much (first drink for a week!) and boring some couple in the bar to death with dentistry and the difference in calorie content in normal and Diet drinks, I woke up with a slight hangover. Work was pretty boring, again. Spent most of the day explaining that it wasn't necessary to ask me if the air conditioning could be switched off, or anything else for that matter, and that it was acceptable for the new girls to make decisions by them selves (hypocrite). And cleaning the whole surgery with a cotton bud! ( Slight exaggeration, only slight) But got to go home early!

Booked flights to Edinburgh, so you might be lucky enough to see me again in September (in England, not Edinburgh) and am off to Karate in a bit. The thought of it is already making me tired!

Oh well, only one more day of the week left!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Have a pretty picure i took while youur reading this.

Im having a crap day!

Title says it all really. Still over worked and under paid, despitle spending a long boring day trying to read if only i didnt have people interupting all day. Did finish my book and do the daily mail su do ku and the su do ku X. Thanks to dad and jon for getting me into it. A good time waster. The Su do ku X is easier than the normal one, but i dont like the super one with 12 numbers and 16 boxes.

So are any of you lot reading this?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Im Hungry

Well, nice (oops) to see all the comments I got back.
So, last night, after a lengthy conversation with mum,dad and Will, in which I mainly repeated everything three times but with slight variations for my own sake, I spent the whole evening reading. It was Fantastic!
I don't find a lot of time to read out here so it was good. Yes man isn't as funny as Join me, but there was this one bit that made me laugh out loud. I felt a bit stupid afterward as I was on my own, but then I figured no one heard so I laughed again, even louder!
When you have all read it, which you will inevitably ( one of my favorite words) do, I will tell you what I thought was so funny, but I wont spoil it. The patients at work must find it strange that there is a small English girl all dressed in white giggling to herself behind the reception desk. That's Dannys fault that is.

Work is pretty quiet but also pretty hectic. Its quiet because I spent a lot of time on reception because the new girls are learning in the surgery, but im used to pottering about on my own and doing everything my way, oblivious to everything else as I can't understand what everyone is saying. Now I have incessant jibbering in my ears all day. IM beginning to realize what its like to be my friend. Did I really talk that much?!
Isis offered to let me pull someone's tooth out today and i jumped at the chance, but she was only joking. I can't wait to do some real dentistry! ive scared the other two but telling them about this bone cleaning thing that nearly made me faint, and they have to do it on Friday. HAha!

Have chosen some photos for my great money making scheme. Holly said I should sell them to some post card makers but IM really not sure how I would go about doing this.

Anyways, best be off, hope your all ok.

PS. Happy Birthday Grandma (for yesterday)

Sunday, July 17, 2005



I was piddling about on the net and found myself here setting up a blog, which I had been thinking about doing anyway.
I figured if anyone wants to know what exiting things I've been up to over here you can all take a look. At least this way no one can get stressed because I don't email them!

So, today I was going to go see Batman but the didn't have it on in English, so I bought a plastic bowl and a packet of envelopes instead. Then I went swimming. Its ridiculously hot here, like 40 or something. YUK!

Well, that's all folks, catch you later.