Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Christmas

Merry christmas everybody!
We are in sevilla still, we got up and opened some presents, i got a pink jumper and a starwars badge. then we went to find some breakfast but the only place open was a patissarie, so it was tuna sandwiches and hot chocolate.
We overlooked the fact that everything would be closed for the last two days so yesterday we watched a film in a cool little old cinema and ate kebabs for dinner as it was the only restaurante left open.Today looks similar.
its really beautiful here and feels all christmassy because its bloody freezing (for us!)
Last day tomoro, down to ikea for some new curtains then back home for a big christmassy dinner and some more presents!

Hope your all having fun and eating way too much

Love cyd x

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Conundrum

It hasn't been a great start to the day, but ill start with yesterday.
Yesterday started with a cold shower! The element in the boiler had broken again, it was painfull. When i got to work i found the water had been turned off which is a right pain when you spent most of the day cleaning.This morning there was just a miserable dribble coming out of the taps so worse than a cold shower i had no shower, then i found that my washing hadnt been washed in the machine which i need for going away, then i spilt and broke a glass of orange juice (last drop in the carton) and realised i had no bucked to mop it up in. And now there is still no water at work. Things can only get better right?
Anyways its the last day of work before christmas and im getting exited, we are driving up to Sevilla tomorow and the weather is supposed to be good!
I hope you all liked your "countdown" christmas cards. As Jon rightly pointed out glitter glue does not stick to shiney paper, why didn't any one tell me before. Oh well, i hope you all manged to stick the letters back on in the right order, yes the answer to the christmas conundrum was


Have a good one xx

Thursday, December 14, 2006

In an effort to give myself more energy i have resolved not to go home and sleep in my siesta but to do some exercise! Therefore im quickly eating soup from a tupperware box and writing this before i go for a walk. I acctually have a few christmas presents left to get too. Then i will probrably come back and sleep on the waiting room chairs. The problem with this clinic is tha tthe chairs are not as comfortable as the massive leather sofas in the old clinic.
Im going to visite Isis tomorow and bake her some fruity shortbread pillows (an interesting variation of mince pies i found in a cook book) .
Last weekend i went out for hollys birthday #2. it was good, i got a bit drunk and came home at half 4. i was greated with, You smell, from an asleep michael. I then spent all of saterday feeling pants, not helped by being dragged out of bed earley to go food shopping, eargh.
Michael crashed his dads car yesterday so as you can see our luck is really getting better, fingers crossed for getting to sevilla!
Im might try to make the house look christmassy at the weekend, my pionsettia just isn't doing the job.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I acctually did something worth telling you about lastnight (ie i didn't just stay at home watching films). It was Hollys birthday yesterday so we went for a meal, it was cool, i had really yummy vegetable lasagne and they bought out a massive chocolate cake for Holly and the whole restaurant sang happy birthday (rather her than me!). Fortionatly there were some other english speaking only people there. Ileft them drinking stange but tasty and very alcoholic cocktails in a bar. I an going out with them on friday too so there may be more tales to come!
SO i had to get a life to work this morning as i had let my scooty at Hollys, meaning it was an hour and a half early for work and i even had an hour to spare after eating cake and hot chocolate in a cafe. Admittedly i had to walk around for a while till i found a cafe with not only men in. I have nothing against men but a whole cafe full, especially spanish, ones can be a bit intimidating!

Well the suns up so i had better do some work

Thursday, November 16, 2006

So back to work and cleaning the house and driving to work in the rain and all those mundane things that real life involves.
I asked about a vacancy in a bookshop in fuengirola so im going to hand my cv in and see if they have any saturday work. Umm, yummy books.
On saturday im helping Holly choose paint for her bedroom and maybe paint it.
I heard from sonia, my friend who went back to england, she sent me a letter and a poppy in case i couldn't get one.
I had a good weekend at home, oh how i miss England. Fear not, im sure i shall be back soon!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

El Tiempo

The weather has been pissy. Its just been raining on and off for over a week. Sometimes the clouds are really black and they cover the mountains but the sun is still shining in front and it lights up all the little white pueblos it looks awesome.
This morning it was damp and almost frosty and there was mist coming off the little ponds on the golf course.
Its really dark in the mornings, it feels like im getting up in the middle of the night. That always reminds me of christmas because i always got up so early it was still dark.
The sun is out now for a bit. but i think it will rain again later. Because of the rain i have been having lots of baths and eating lots of soup. yum.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Its raining. Hooray because it means our water might not get cut off, and oh crap because i just got wet.
Things are moving on slowly with the house. We are all in now with hot water included. The element was gone in the boiler so i went to some dodge spanish electrical shop and the woman gave me the scankiest element ever, and ive only seen 2! Michael managed to get it all wired in with the help of my head torch and some swearing. Yeaterday we got some temporary lighting up and we even cooked dinner on the new oven! So only 9 months late, not bad eh? For Spain.

Monday, October 09, 2006


New house at last! Unfortionatly we are still waiting for the water and electricity to be turned on.
Went to Ikea in Sevilla on saterday and got everything for the house, we spent about 7 hours in there, missed lunch and dinner! We got stopped by the police on the way back. They looked at all Michaels papers, then asked us to open the back of the van. When they saw all the flat packs they laughed and said Ikea?
So we got away with that one. Most stuff is out of the old house now so we should be in sometime this week, Fingers crossed!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey peeps, just a quickie as im at work.
What a crazy week, back to the usuall run of bad luck, yesterday was mad, i had to wait ages to put my bike in for repairs and realised i can't say a thing about scooters in spainsh so i made a fool of myself making motorbike noises to the mechanic, was 40 mins late for work and it was crappy for the first part of the day, second half was ok, got my teeth balanced and now they feel weird. Then michael picked me up and his day was bad, no work tomorow, cars buggered, mechanic sold him dodgy parts... football wasnt on the tv at his dads house, and then.....
He fell off his bike and broke his foot!
we got the doctor guys out which was quite fun for me because i can understand spanish medically things and i was trying my spanish out on them, but not so fun for micheal because he had an injection in his bum. So he is off for xrays today so lets hope its not too bad!

Apart from all this hoo haa i watched Howls Moving Castle (finished at 3, god i was bored!). Its really cool! I totaly recomend it even if you don't like animated stuff. I have to confess i watched it in english even though its japanese becuase i was too tired to read the subtitles (lame i know) but the people in it looked english and it had the voice of Christian Bale. Excuses made.

Hey peeps, just a quickie as im at work.
What a crazy week, back to the usuall run of bad luck, yesterday was mad, i had to wait ages to put my bike in for repairs and realised i can't say a thing about scooters in spainsh so i made a fool of myself making motorbike noises to the mechanic, was 40 mins late for work and it was crappy for the first part of the day, second half was ok, got my teeth balanced and now they feel weird. Then michael picked me up and his day was bad, no work tomorow, cars buggered, mechanic sold him dodgy parts... football wasnt on the tv at his dads house, and then.....
He fell off his bike and broke his foot!
we got the doctor guys out which was quite fun for me because i can understand spanish medically things and i was trying my spanish out on them, but not so fun for micheal because he had an injection in his bum. So he is off for xrays today so lets hope its not too bad!

Apart from all this hoo haa i watched Howls Moving Castle (finished at 3, god i was bored!). Its really cool! I totaly recomend it even if you don't like animated stuff. I have to confess i watched it in english even though its japanese becuase i was too tired to read the subtitles (lame i know) but the people in it looked english and it had the voice of Christian Bale. Excuses made.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning

So, back in sunny Spain, and it is pretty sunny. im taking a short break from cleaning cleaning cleaning. I have tided and cleaned all the drawers in the main surgery and rearranged everything. I have never seen anything so disorganised, and you all thought i was messy!
Work is going ok, im always busy which is good. I got my new uniform which i was sort of pursuaded to get in a size medium because of course in not as skinny as pauls daughter, and when i put it on it was bloody enormous! I have sent paul off to get me a proper sized one!
God this tea is horrible, its like old dish water. Why is tea in foriegn countries so disgusting?
Anyways bad news as usual on the house, now they are saying a week on monday (My arse!)
Flight home sucked, had to wait 2 hours just to get through passport controll, and we had to put our shoes throught the xray, lucky i had my new pink sparkly ones on. Im still wondering how you get a bomb and a foot in a shoe?!
Oh and Hollys getting double the amount for leaving the calahonda clinic so im investigating!
Right tea break is over, back to cleaning cleaning cleaning.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I start my new job next monday. Only i more week of being over worked and underpaid. The bosses are being so nice and helpfull this week, pity it wasn´t always like that right.
Opps the internet cafe is closing but ill tell you more next week

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Why does it always rain on me?

So i have finally had enough of work. If i were to explain what was so bad about it i would be here for hours, and mum and dad would be bored because the have heard it all before.
On Monday i got stressed at one of the doctors and she told me my problem was that i had never had it hard (i havent lived in cuba!) and that i shouldn´t bring my problems to work (my problems are work!). On tuesay, bank holiday, i got a phone call from the doctor i used to work with, my bosses enemy, asking if i knew any nurses who wanted a job. i said, Yes, Me!
On wednessday me and holly confronted bosses about overtime and pay (9 hours overtime unpaid in 2 weeks!? A regular occurence). We were told we had it better than anywhere else and that this was resonable. Next day holly isnt at work and nobody tells me where she is. I infact already know that she has been told to take 2 weeks holiday. Obviously its not importand for me or the other doctors to know where she is!? The last straw.
So im not wasting my time on people like that, and i MIGHT be getting a new job, admittedly with a doctor i have had a few problems with in the past, but everything cant be perfect right. It is 10 hours a week less for almost the same money.
Fingers crossed everyone that its all turns out alright!

Oh yeah, its rained the other day!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A day off

Thank god i have a day off.
Michael woke me up to say good bye at about 9, i went back to sleep till 10.30 then read my book till 1. It was fantastic.
Now im piddling about in milies chatting to sonia and checking my emails. I don't plan to do anything else exept sit about watching tv.
Thats what days off are for right?!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday again. I fully intend do do not much this sunday.
Last week was pretty crappy, they have opened a new consulta(don´t know the word in english, surgery room?) so we have had to work loads harder and there seem to be a ton more emergency pacients too. Its not the extra work thats bad, ive been writing down all the unpaid overtime i have been doing and its come to about 9 hours in a week and a half. Twice last week we did 2 hours extra in a day! Oh well only another 6 months till i take my exam and if i pass they might just add a few more euros to my pay, Wahey!
Just read one of those i was abused as i child but now im strong books. I can´t belive i used to read so many of those when i was younger, they are crap!
Yesterday me and michael went to sort the lighting in his dads new house. I got the exiting jobs of fitting spotlights in their holders and then attatching transformers (haha, transformers). If micheal ever comes to work at the clinic i will make him clean the gobby spitoon. Yep, i bet when you spit into that little bowl at the dentist you never stopped to think that someone has to clean all your gobby spit out at the end of the day. See why i love my job?!
Went to see about a new scooted at the weekend. Its ok and in much better condition that my old one, but its blue!
Im looking forward to coming home in september, its been a while, about 8 moths i think. I hope i will have cooled down by then becuase i know it will still be bloody hot here. I had to take 3 showers yesterday!
Oh yeah and the word on the new house is about 3 weeks (yeah right!)
Toodle pip xx

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Sorry, its been ages right!?
The computer is totaly bust, it has a dry socket apparently and needs to be taken apart compleatly. So it will be a while.
As for moving house that will be ages to. About another month i recon. But then we should be moving straight into ours rather than michaels dads first.
All our transport is breaking, we nearly blew up my bike and michaels car today but i think they are both fixed now.
As for you lot thinking its hot, its bloddy boiling here to! Just because the paper says its hotter in england than spain it doesnt mean we have it easy. Its been about 35 for a few weeks.
Course work is going ok, bit of a drag without the computer for extra help but ill be ok.
Work sucks as always.
Other than that everythings ok, im even getting a bit of a tan, oh and ive put blond highlites in my hair.
Take care everyone and go easy in the heat xx

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Spanish Security Guards

Hi peeps
This is a quick quick blog becuase the computer is a bit buggered up and isnt charging properly, so i have limited time. I haven't been ignoring anyone, really!
Work sucks, i am on my own coz stephs on holiday and Holly is down in the Fuengirola clinic. We have been painting overthe mould in our house and slowly moving bits out to Michaels sisters new appartment which is close to ours, for when we eventually move. My Spanish was really tested today with the security guards. Its only took and hour and a half to get them to open the garage( my spanish isnt that bad, i think security guards may be a bit mentally challanged, thought very nice and helpfull)
So, im having a greek on friday(hehe). Going to the new greek restaurante with a few people for my birthday.. The best thing is that i get to finish work early!
Ill write more when the computer is sorted, Take care.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ok,shes Asian not African

Clubbing in Fuengirola was kinda fun and weird. I didn't have a bloody clue how to dance to the music. Its very bum wiggly.
Work has been pants. I made a chocolate cake today Its called 'chocolate cake with chocolate in and chocolate on top'. Its pretty yummy.
Me and Michael ate tapas in this cool place today where you just tick what you want on this piece of paper, kind of like doing a multiple choice test, and them they call your name when its ready. They miss heard Michael and called out Marco instead.
So to work off all this chocolate cake and tapas i have been doing a Tae Bo video. Its well hard but really good. I feel all energetic now.
I read Alice in Wonderland. Its was a load of nonsence!
Tomorow we are going to an African craft fair in Toremolinos. Im going to get some rings around my neck and a bone through my nose!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Who's a clever girl? Top marks for my homework again!
Work has been a bit gay.
Going clubbing in fuengirola tomorow night for Stephs birthday. Yay?!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Today was a good day. I acctually had an ok day at work! Whooba!
I assisted with the first 2 patients, i didn't get annoyed by the doctor, then we all sat around for ages waiting for lunch. We killed time by looking at this hugeantic (one of Hollie great gone wrong english words) book on immpressionists and commenting on how fat the ladies were and how small all the mens willies were. Why do artists paint so many pictures of naked people?
Went to the pub and chatted to Sonia, came out with a good come back at some wierdo who was picking on me (Were you ever a boxer? Why do you have a bolt through you nose?)
Back to work to do the dreaded curetaje (Bone cleaning, lots of blood and views of gummless teeth and bone!)
I wasn't feeling to good about it at first but when i got into it i was having fun. Retracting gum, Sucking up saliva, wiping blood, cutting stitches. Oh my job is a delight.
Then we pulled a little kids tooth out.
Only had time left for a nice sit down and a cup of tea and a chapter of my book.
Just went swimming in the pool (9 oclock!). The weather has been so wierd (muy raro!) it was so cloudy this morning that i couldn't even see across the road. We just get surrounded in cloud, so i took my coat to work thinking i might get cold on the bike, and nearly died of heat exhaustion by the time i got to the bottom! Its been pretty cloudy all day and windy but its so warm. It was like driving through a gigantic hairdryer on the way home.
So now im just waiting for Michael to come back with my pizza.
Not a bad day atall.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Ive been so tired all week and have been really looking forward to my weekend and now its just pants.
We came home on friday to find an investation of buggy things in the bedroom, climbing all over that damp and mould up the walls. so we have moved into the spare room which has the leaking boiler in and where you can't open the window or shutter or curtains incase people break in so its so dark that when you wake up in the moring it still feels like night.
Michael was working yesterday so i spent all day reading and waiting for him to come home. I did get alot of book read and i ate whole salmon steak on the bbq, which was nice. I also made cheese and marmite spirals. Yummy.
Took a pointless trip to lots of closed shops this morning. Even the video shop was closed.The weather sucks. I tried to disinfect the walls in the infested room but it wasn't working to well and now i stink of disinfectant. Its even worse than the smell of dentists.
I have done a bit of home work. I now know the entire contence of an anaesthetic cartridge. Wooba!
Lets hope for a better week next week eh?!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Inca Cola

Yesterday we went to the zoo in Fuengirola. We saw crocodiles, flamingos, birds, turtles, chimps, tigers, fish, dears, cockroaches, snakes, meerkats, porcupines, hogs, hippos, gorillas, leopards, orangutans and a tapir.
It was fun.

Last night we went to the feria internacional de los pueblos. It’s a festival with loads of different bars from around the world. There is music and food and clothes. We went in the Irish one first to meet some friends, then on to the Peruvian one where I had an Inca Cola (yum!) and in the Vietnamese bar where we ate sticky rice, spring roll things and cat kebabs (god knows what meat was on the kebabs but I think I should have given it a miss!). The Indian bar had lots of smoke wafting out of the door, the Bolivian bar smelt really badly and the German one was playing awful music. I wanted to go in the Polish bar but Michael said the women were too ugly. They didn’t have an English bar. I wonder why?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Onfriday night we went to La Cala to watch the Easter Parade. I had watched quite a few from Sevilla and Madrid and big places like that on the tv already, but we thought we should do something spanishy and have a look.
It was the most bizarre thing i have ever seen. It was getting dark when they started and we were all crowding around when we hear a bell ring. Then this really morbid trumpet music starts. The first man in the procession was carrying some flag thing and a few men (everyone in purple robes) wearing those Ku Klux Klan hats. They are enough to scare anyone, until the old crying distraught women all in black lace with a black vail follow. Next is the huge float carried but the men, displaying Jesus on the cross, and lots of candles, followed by the ladies and their masive model of The Virgin Mary surrounded by even more of candle.
Its so odd to see people crying and displaying their faith in such way. The wierd music and the ku klux klan hats made it even weirder.
If you get a chance to check some out on the net take a look.

Oh, and guess which idiot forgot to take her camera

Sunday, April 09, 2006

On friday i went and got myself a needlestick injury. I was trying to put the lid back on a used irigating syringe but the needle was bent so it wasn't really working. So i pushed a little bit harder and it went straight through the plastic lid and into my thumb. it bloody hurt becuase it was a proper injection needle for your arm, not a thin one for your mouth.
It wasn't used to give an injection but for washing out a root canal so im hoping i have less chance of catching anything, but we'll see. Im probrably going to go to the doctor and get a blood test and then my Hepititis B jab.
So i spent all of friday worrying about that, then we got beat at darts. Sat i cleaned up a bit, took some dounuts to Holly because she was working, so i thought it would cheer her up, and wached half of a film before Micheal came home and whisked me off to some bbq.
The peoples house where the bbq was was crazy. it was an old spanish villa but some of the decor was a bit dodgy. So we ate and chatted and stuff, then one of the girls got this big bong out, called a shisha pipe. It comes from the middle east and they have cafes where everyone sits around and smokes it. After comfirming that there were not dodgy substances in it, i had a go. It was nothing like smoking a cigarette. The tobacco (which apparently has no nicotine or tar?!) is mixed with fruit and its not directly burnt and the smoke goes through water first so when you get it its all nice and light and fruity. And it looks cool! I have put a picture up so you can see but im sure you have all seen one before.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Soy Tonta!

I did the stupidest thing today. I went to get petrol for my bike after work, pulled up, opened my bike, picked up the petrol thingie and the realised that i hadn't unscrewed the cap off the petrol hole. So i threw my keys in in the bike, filled up and as i turned round the seat slammed shut and i realised my keys were inside. Gay!
Anyways this bloke was waiting to get in my space so i thought i should move the bike while i figured out what to do, exept the lock was on so it would have only gone round in circles!
After getting no reply from Michael i phoned Holly who said her and her Dad would come help but they had just ordered tapas so would be about 10 mins. God i was so embaressed just standing there.
Eventually i plucked up the courage to ask the petrol station guys for help (Tengo una problema, me llave es adentro me moto y no es posible abre o movil. Ayuda por favor!) I think they understood becuase they came out with a big screwdriver and said the only way to open it was to bash it!
After a bit op prizing and wiggling they managed to open it with no damage.
Wohoo, im off to get a spare key made!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


I know i should be doing my homework. I just spent ages looking up words like Cyantosis and Paraesthesia in wikapedia. I thought they would be really complicated but it turns out they are the technical terms for going a bit blue and having pins and needles.
Now i can't find my dental textbook so im using it as an exuse for mucking about on the net.
I got my homework back for the first module last week. I got the second hightest mark for both essays. ' a very good performance of merit standard'. I told Isis i am going to sent an apple with my next essay and hope for top marks. yes we did have to explain the whole teacher/apple thing.

Apart from working i have mostly been reading Harry Potter. I finished it this afteroon. It isnt the best one but i had fun reading it. I even considered taking it in the surgery so i could read a bit when the doctor was fannying about.
I had to have impressions of my mouth taken last week so i can get a splint made. Its like a mouth guard and you wear it at night to stop grinding your teeth. I was really scared of having impressions incase i gagged loads but it was ok. At least i know whats its like for the patient now. Im going to keep the models of my gob and put them on the mantle piece!

So, apart from that its just sweat, sunburn and bbqs. I think summer is a coming!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Lo Siento

Im really sorry to everyone that i haven't really been in touch with the last couple of weeks, mainly lorna and Jon and mum dad and will who i have only chatted to a bit.
Its been pretty hectic at work and im bloody knackered. I haven't had a six oclock finish for a few weeks. I have a million things on my to do list and haven't done any, exept read and sleep. Anyways Holly is back at work so it should get easier and i have ordered a new dance workout dvd so hopefully i should have a bit more energy to write loads more emails! (lucky you!)
Have lovely weekends and ill write again soon

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Wow its been nearly a month since i last wrote. Thats really bad isn't it, sorry guys!
So, whats been going on since then? Mum and Dad came to see me. Fortionaltly the flying experience wasn't too traumatic for Dad and he hired a car and we explored parts of Spain i had never seen before (really Spanishy bits)
We ate out at lots of scummy spanish cafes and one very posh restaurante, for Mums birthday. I ate swordfish.
We drove around these little weenie winey mountain roads and saw the most amazing views. Its so wierd here, beause you drive over the mountains and its all rugged then sudenely it drops into these flat plains that go on for miles and you can see so far over them. occasionally there will be a big rock just sticking up in the middle of nowhere.
We went to Tarifa too. Its the most southernly point of europe. You stand on the beach and you can see Africa right in front of you. T be honest me and M were a bit dissapointed with Tarifa. I didn't think the beach was that nice and it was really tacky. Its always the same, you get a really beautiful place with amazing views, and when you turn around there is some crappy ice cream van and a load of tourists.
Hollie said we missed out on a some ruins and stuff and that its better in the summer.
I looked at Africa through dads binoculars and was really dissapointed. I thought i was going to see morrocan guys with turban things and pointy buildings but it just looked like Spain.
We also drove past a really bad accident and i saw a dead guy in a mashed up car but it made me feel sick and sad so no more about that.

This week has been has been tough. Hollie is away and im bloody knackered. My back kills from bending over patients so much and we have done implants twice in one week. The implants were cool though. If the patient has enough bone, instead of opening the gum up and everything you just drill traight through the gum and bone and its done. No blood, no stitches. Wik!

We just chopped up trout and cooked it and ate it. It was good.

So,I just spent all day watching tv. The weather is appalling. We are just sitting in a big cloud and its pissing it down. I finished watching Bleak house which was good and sad and then i watched the grainy bits of Master and Commander. Films Rule.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ive been checking the postbox every day for about 2 weeks, waiting for the first part of my Dental Nursing course to come through, but with no joy. Then, on friday a huge parcel was delivered to the clinic for me! I have read this months work already. Its about my role as a dental nurse and stuff. The homework looks fairly easy, but im guessing it will get harder!

This week has been nothing unusual. Made my first cake for Milies on friday, but they forgot to sell it (!?)so they put it out today, but i don't think it will go because today is the first day they are doing roast dinner, so everyone is going to be too full to eat it, including me.
They put big yorkshire pudding in it and being really cackhanded some flew off my plate. I thought it was pretty funny but i recon Michael was kinda embarressed.

Managed to go out last night and not pole dance. I have been laying off the alcahol since my last exhibition, so last night it hit harder than usual. I came home at about 3 in the morning and tried to make a cup of tea, then got hickups and laughed continuosly at everything for about half an hour. Beats crying of falling over i suppose!

Oh, i learnt the Spanish alphabet last week, it goes like this.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Urgh, saturday morning hangover again. I wouldn't have been as bad if the barman in the club had put some lemonade in my Malibu and lemonade. There are certain disadvantages to knowing the barman.

This morning i dragged myself out of bed at about half eleven to make a Birthday cake for Sonia. I forgot it was her birthday yesterday so i will take her a cake today. Its coconut, cherry and malibu cake, with Happy Birthday Sonia written on top in red icing and lots of those little silver balls. I hope it will make her laugh!

Ive been so tired this week, its been a real struggle getting back into work. Now they have the new doctor we have more patients so i seem to be working 10 till 8 with no break. I can take a break but to go where and do what on my own? There seems to be loads of gaps with no patients too so the days are just like years. It gives me more time to read though. im re reading all the Harry Potter books, im on number four at the moment.
This week we had to make the order of dental stuff. i think its my worse job at work. I spend ages finding out what we need, checking out all the catalogues, finding the best prices and specials offers and stuff. Then isis comes and takes over and speaks in Spanish and her and holly finish it all off, Its so irritating. If i didn;t sort it all in the first place it probrably wouldn't even get done. Isis is making me speak in Spanish now becaue she says i can and i will learn it in 3 months. She is probrably right about that.

Isis offered to pay for me to go to an exhibition in Madrid about dental products, so that i have an idea of whats out there and what products are new. Unfortionatly its when Mum and Dad are coming over, but in some ways it will save me some money on flights and hotels. If it were just me gonig i get a shitty cheep flight and stay in a hostle but i guess thats not what Isis and Walfrido had in mind!

I worked with the New Doctor for the first lime last week. We spent two and a half hours on one patient! Oh dear. I tryed to help but didn't want to cross the line, being only a nurse. oh well, we'll see! Im still waiting for the first part of my course to come through. hopefully it will get here next week.

Oh yeah, Valentines Day was ok, i made dinner for Michael but as i didn;t get home from work till about 8.30 we ate at ten oclock. It tasted good though. He eventually bought me some flowers (the day after Valentines Day) They are really beautiful, all yellow and red. They look like lots of little sunsets.

Right, Harry Potter calls and so does the cleaning, but im pretending i can't hear it.

See ya xxx

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Nice cup of tea and a sit down.

Well it was good to see you all last week. I did more sorting of banks and discussing my future than having a frivolous holiday, but lifes not a laugh all the time right? Still it was nice to go for a walk without going up hill, and to sit around chatting and drinking tea.

I very nearly missed my flight back to Spain, but being one of the last to book in gave me the advantage of getting one or the last seats on the plane, an extra leg room seat! With no one in the two seats next to me!

When i finally found the station (they moved the road) i went to Fuengirola and got a pretty expencive taxi home. Holly has been staying over and keeping me company till Michael came home last night. We mainly ate loads of junk food and watched films in bed.

Work has been ok, a new Doctor started yesterday(good of them to tell us in advance!). She seems nice enough. She is also Cuban but has been living in Zimbabwe for the last couple of years, so she speaks English with a crazy African accent. She probrably thinks i am mad considering Walfrido gave me the new copy of Good Housekeeping and i danced around the clinic. She told me yeasterday i had to relax around her. Maybe they havent told her im the one with the short temper who shouts at doctors and breaks expencive things!

This week i think i will mainly stay in bed nursing my cold( its now in the coughing up lots of phlem stage, but at least after 3 days my right ear has unblocked and i can hear again, hallelujah!) and watching films and reading books. And drinking tea!

Have fun peeps xx

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Another Sunday Hangover!

I am ashamed to say i have spent another Sunday nursing a hangover (good job im a nurse). (I am not an alcaholic in case you are wondering, i do not think about alcahol when i wake up and usualy don't drink on week days.)Yesterday was a good day. Michaels parents were over and the took us go carting. I got lapped twice but Micheals Dad and once by M and his sister. I could hardly reach the pedals though, i had to ask for a cusion!

Then i went to see Memoirs of a Geisha, which was really good. I was a little dissapointed because although they had stuck very closley to the book, its just wasn;t half as good. I would recomend reading it rather than watching.

Then we went to the pub and i drank a little too much and danced on the stage on my own(around a pole infact but i much to emmbaressed to tell you!) and forgot to keep an eye on how much M's sister was drinking and ended up looking after her for ages whilst she was very sick (Sorry steph!)

So today ive mainly sat in bed feeling rough and watching Pennies from Heaven.

Sorry its a short one peeps but ill write more when i feel a little more alive!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sun at last! We have been treated to 2 days nonstop English weather. It just hasn't stopped pissing it down. At least we might not get our water cut off all summer now.
This week hasn't been amazing, I have been having really bad headaches everyday, and massive jaw ache. So, i asked Isis to check it out and she says i have a problem with my occlusion, which i knew, but worst of all, i might need my wisdom tooth extracted. AHHHHH
She said right now its just moving about in my bone, so i can take pain killers and wait for it to stop but if it gets really bad i should get it taken out because its sideways so it will just grow in to the tooth next to it. Bastard!
Its going to be a big surgery thing becase its almost totally in the bone so they will have to cut the gum and drill through the bone and stuff.At least im only ever going to have i wisdom tooth. I think its almost worse for me because i can picture exactly what they are doing!
I hate the dentist!

Last night we watched 'The assasination of Richard Nixon'. it was nothing like what i expected. It was really really sad all the way through. Sean Penn was really good. its wierd seeing him play a bit of a pathetic charecter. Its worth watching though.

Thats it really, might make some cake later. Bought some hair straighteners and did implants yesterday.

Friday, January 06, 2006

This week i am being very culinary. I made apple pie and today i am making soup, because its mega rainy and cold and misty and stupidly windy.
Today is bank holiday. Every spanish person is opening presents and eating big feasts of Spanish delights. Im dilly dallying about the house drinking cold cups of tea(why do i always seem to forget i have made a cup of tea till its cold?) and tidying things up. I think its pretty funny that whilst the Spanish are eating big legs of ham and celebrating Los Reyes Magos (epiphany, three kings blah blah) we are all taking down our christams trees and saying 'well, thats christmas over for another year'.
In fact i can almost hear dad saying it now as he battles to get the christmas tree outside using as many swear words as possible. I took the decorations off our tree and then took the top of the tree off and tried to fold all the branches up. I got stuck then, i don't understand artificial trees. Im left with a normal tree exept for the top part which has all the branches stuck together and pointing up!

Just wizzed my soup in my new superdooper blendy thing.

We have been watching Long Way Round where 2 blokies go round the world on motorbikes. Its well wik and funny. Everytime i see any pictures of Monglia i really want to go there. Its such a crazy place with huge flat plains of nothingness and mountains round the edges. Not sure i fancy the testicle soup they were eating though!
I am thinking of doing 'Travels around Spain on a scooter'. Once i have the light working properly and the clutch fixed and the brakes have stopped squeeking i think ill be ready to go. It might take as long as going round the world considering its illegal to use the main road on a 50 cc!

I have been doing lots of resurch on courses for the National Certificate in Dental Nursing. I think ive figured it all out. There is a corespondence course that Bristol Uni does. Its all tailored to you and how long you want to spend on each module and when you want to take the exam and stuff. You also get to go to the uni before you take the exam and do some days on exam tecniques and practical stuff and a mock exam.
I was hoping to do it without Isis knowing but apparently they want contact with the clinic you are working at and stuff, not that they will understand eachother, but that might be good for me.
So i think it will be really hard work, especially as i will have to do it all on my own with out teachers nagging me, although you do have homework. Maybe this time i will manage to pass my exams!

Well, unfotionatly im working tomorow, straightening peoples teeth out (i knew that karate would come in usefull) Have a good weeken peeps and see you all at the end of January xx

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Cactuses and clocks

Aw, christmas is all over now . It all went very quickly. Christmas was cool, i had a really bad hangover and i sat on the sofa all day while michael made me dinner (i did make the gravey!) It was yum and i got lots of cool presents, like a big food prosesor with lots of wizzy bits on it and some purfume and a cactus and a crazy see through alarm clock. Im afraid i didn;t manage it to the beach but michael dragged me out for a walk around the block to look at the building sites.
Last week was pretty busy at work becuase Holly had to work in the other clinic. Friday was just stupid with emergency patients, they just kept coming. It was kind of nice to be working on my own again. I quite like it when its really busy and i have to do everything. It makes the day go quicker and it feels like ive acctually done something, rather than sitting around waiting for patients and cleaning instruments, again.
Last night we went to Milies for their new years eve party. It was weird at first because there was a real mix of people and not many that i know, but after a few drinks i was well away. We celebrated 12 oclock twice, once in spanish time and once in english, which i think is compleatly silly!
So, today i scooped up all of my stuff into bags and dumped it all at michaels house. I have a ridiculous amount of stuff. Where did it all come from, whats it all for? I think i will have to start throwing stuff out because there is no room here for it. Then i cleaned up and broke a few things in Jennies house and now im knackered.
We have a bank holiday tomorow and friday (there are certain advantages to living in spain, i think they have more holidays than working days!) so i guess ill be throwing stuff out.

Happy new year everyone!